Ministry of External Affairs
Guidelines for applicants for registering grievance
Indian Missions/Posts attach great importance to speedy redressal of consular grievances of Indians in distress abroad and to provide them necessary assistance. Being diplomatic entities, however, it is obligatory on the part of our Missions/Posts, to conform to the established international norms of engagement in a foreign country with the host government authorities, foreign private establishments and private individuals. There could be issues and situations, where an intervention by our Missions/Posts may not be considered desirable. It is, thus, advisable to familiarize oneself with the local norms and regulations as this may be helpful in avoiding/handling certain issues obviating the need for registering a grievance with the Indian Mission/Post.
The applicants are advised to go through the following basic guidelines before registering their grievances on MADAD/CPGRAM portal, approaching an Indian embassy/consulate or Ministry of External Affairs (Consular, Passport & Visa, Overseas Employment & Protector General of Emigrants, Overseas Indian Affairs I & II Divisions) :
(i) The MADAD/CPGRAM portals are for filing grievances by Indian nationals only. Foreigners may submit their grievance to the Community Welfare/Consular Section in the concerned Indian Mission/Post through e-mail.
(ii) In matters like; purely family disputes, seeking help of Indian authorities in resolving issues in India, complaints with foreign airlines/private school abroad etc., applicants are advised to approach the concerned authority in India/abroad.
(iii) For demand of action against a foreign entity/individuals, the complainant should approach the concerned authority of the foreign country. The Ministry of External Affairs or Indian Missions/Posts cannot initiate punitive action against Indian nationals (such as revocation/impounding/cancellation of passports) based on complaints by individuals; Orders from Court/legal basis, is required for such action. It is beyond the purview of the Ministry of External Affairs/Indian Missions/Posts to prevent individuals from leaving/entering India or other countries or intervene in the process of grant of foreign visas.
(iv) The personal issues in marital relationships fall beyond the ambit of consular grievance. Indian Missions/Posts would, however, readily assist destitute Indian nationals abroad, particularly women in distress and children, on case to case basis.
(v) For commercial disputes, the portal of the Director General of Foreign Trade at may first be approached.
(vi) For Queries related to foreign private entities (which are not under the control of Government of India) such as International Indian Schools abroad, individual should approach the concerned authority in foreign country.
(vii) Requests to file court cases in a foreign country/India on behalf of an individual may not be possible for Indian Embassies/Consulates as diplomatic entities.
(viii) Complaints against fraud (including online fraud) or any criminal activities, are required to be filed with the law enforcement agency concerned. Filing a complaint with Indian Missions/Posts is not sufficient in such cases.
(ix) Grievances pertaining to employment related issues may be filed. Indian Missions/Posts attempt reconciliation through negotiation, where both parties agree. It should not be confused with filing a case in labour court or with a legal arbitrator.
(x) Countries have sovereign authority to grant or deny visa to any foreign national. Indian Missions/Posts or the Ministry of External Affairs, do not process any complaints against any foreign Mission or authorities of a foreign country on visa related matters.